1. What Shopify Services Do You Offer?

A trustworthy Shopify expert will clearly outline the services they offer. Unfortunately, not everyone is transparent about what they do for your money. Ensure you thoroughly review your contract. The services should align with your agreement and evolve as your business grows. Here’s what to ask about:

  • Detailed services and their quantities
  • Hours dedicated per month
  • Technical aspects of your website that need fixing
  • Pages to be optimized
  • New landing pages
  • Internal and external articles
  • Backlinks per month
  • Campaign analysis and reporting

Expect the strategy to adapt over time. A good expert will provide a plan for the next three months and adjust it based on performance.

2. How Will You Improve Our Shopify Content?

Find out if they will enhance your existing content or create new material. Good content builds trust and attracts customers.

3. How Do You Build Shopify Backlinks?

Ask about their link-building methods to ensure they follow best practices and avoid spammy links that could harm your site.

4. Can I Meet the Team?

Meet the people who will be working on your project to ensure they have the right skills and experience.

5. Do You Work with Our Competitors?

It’s okay if they do, but make sure they aren’t giving more attention to your competitors than to you.

6. Do You Know Our Industry?

Ensure they understand your industry to create relevant and effective strategies.

7. How Much Time Will We Need to Spend?

Understand how much time your team will need to commit to the project, especially at the beginning.

8. What Results Can We Expect?

No one can guarantee specific rankings, but they should give you realistic expectations and explain their process.

9. How Will You Track Progress?

Ask about the metrics they will use and how often they will report on progress.

10. How Will You Work with Our Team?

Ensure they are willing to collaborate with your marketing, sales, and development teams for a seamless strategy.

11. How Do You Find Keywords?

Make sure they use modern methods and tools to find the best keywords for your business.

12. Can We End the Contract Early?

Check if the contract has an out clause so you can leave if you’re not happy with the results after a few months.

Ready to Hire a Shopify Expert?

Choosing the right Shopify expert can boost your store's success. Ask these questions to find the best partner. Contact us today for a free consultation!